Wednesday, August 10, 2011

When it's all said and done...

Life--existing, time on earth, creation...

however you look at it, it is limited..has a beginning and an end..for some the end is sooner than expected and for some they are lucky to live a long and "healthy" life. I'm writing this post after having learned a few hours ago that I had lost a friend in a car accident (because of some idiot reckless driver). I've been thinking for a long time about what I want my legacy to be, how I want to make a meaning out of my life so that it isn't just a meaningless one.

It is so much easier to say live your life like there is no tomorrow, but we always find ourselves caught up in the minor intricacies and problems of life that we are quick to forget the big picture. Not until we lose someone close that we are quickly reminded to live our life and make the most of everyday and make the most out of every minute you have with friends and family because you really never know when that might be your last.

In my last blog I spoke of where I am in my life right now and laid out a very abstract plan for the next few years with some goals I would like to accomplish. The one thing I left out is what I would like to be remembered for if I am blessed with a long and healthy life. We are all put on this earth for a reason and no matter the specific reason, at the end of the day it is to enrich each others' lives. If you have made one positive impact on someone else's life I believe you lived a great life. That in a nutshell is what I want to be remembered for...I love to help others in need, it hurts me deeply to see others, such as people in Somalia, starving to death and seeing the children affected by this famine crisis in 2011...

Yea I have these dreams/goals of getting rich and having a career that I love...and I'm going to school to reach those dreams, but what'll be the point of 20+ years of school, a 5 or 6 figure salary, a house on a few acres of land, vacations, etc or how can I possibly enjoy it if I'm living that life and there's people in 3rd world countries that can't even be guaranteed just ONE meal a day?

I'm not trying to reinvent the wheel here, but I definitely want to be a part of the solution rather than live an illusional lifestyle as if all is well in the world. Let's get involved here and find it in our hearts to put our best foot forward so famine isn't an issue in our time. My mind is still all over the place at the moment...but if anything out of this blog makes sense...

Live your life to the fullest
Don't count on your "young age" to put things off until "later"
Let your friends and family know you love them
YOUR life shouldn't be lived selfishly--share it--have that positive impact on someone else's life

RIP Amber...We'll deeply miss you

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