Monday, April 18, 2011

Involvement (Extinct?)

There was a time at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities when being involved (in the Black community) was something in which to be proud. EVERYONE supported EVERYONE. Black Student Union was the umbrella organization, every event thrown meant an opportunity to see a room packed with people with like ideals and goals that looked like YOU! Black Greek Organizations all supported each other; healthy competition! It was definitely a community to be proud of and want to by involved in. 

Somewhere along the line something happened and being involved took a back seat. Somehow we now have a community that is concentrated on being an individual, only worried about themselves. When did we forget that life is a team game and you won't get through it alone. This organizations we are a part of are the support systems we need to get through life (college). 

I remember my freshman year coming into the Black Student Union (that's room 209, apparently some of you have forgotten about the 2nd floor in CMU) and seeing a room full of Black people relaxing, studying, speaking on topics that were relevant to the world (real talk this was going on lol), and this was everyday of the week near damn. But these days it's a hit or miss. We all heard about the "budget cuts" that the University is going through, and we all know about the attack on the 2nd floor in Coffman. The question you have to ask yourself is what are you doing to prevent it?! GET INVOLVED! 

Just to play Devil's Advocate for a second here...if you have ever been in the BSU or a BSU event, you have most likely seen the person that comes around to count how many people are in there, if you have been to an event the board usually has you sign in...these procedures aren't just there so you get pesky's used to track numbers. The last couple of years I have been to numerous events hosted by various Black student orgs and it is sad to say that the numbers have dwindled down to an all time embarrassing low. Why Shouldn't the University come after us? (playing Devil's advocate lol)..WHY? because honestly we don't work together to support each other...The amount of time, effort and MONEY that goes into planning an event compared to a turnout of a crowd is very depressing. And as a student who has been a part of the Black Student Union board for 3 years, and President of my chapter (Omega Psi Phi) I have to say that it has been frustrating, disappointing and mind boggling to see the level of interest drop so low. I'm sure you all have heard about the BSU losing their fees for next year, talk about the knockout blow to get rid of an organization that has been here since 1969! It's not impossible to function without fees but it sure as HELL won't be easy, not if you're as big of an Org. Without fees, how will we keep that room that we all love to go hangout in??? Inform yourself on the various affairs of the U, because everyday they are making decisions that affect us all. We need to stick together and fight as a team..."The five separate fingers are five independent units. Close them and the fist multiplies strength."

I feel like I can argue or ramble or whatever about this topic forever but it truly is sad that we have come to this point of losing something that has been fought for, for so long. Ask yourself this? When was the last time you attended an event thrown by an organization that wasn't your own and wasn't a party/probate? How many of you attended the BSU kickoff? the Black history month events, Omega's week in February, Sigma week, Alpha week, Kappa week is starting today (here's your chance). All these orgs are student run...students just like you and me...we keep working hard to put these events together, put a lot of money into these events and we (ppl in our own org) end up being the majority of the attendees. Let me tell you this, it's not a great feeling when you've booked a great speaker, so they can come speak to 15-20ppl.. but that has been the trend for the last few years. After a while it makes you wonder what more can I do or should I even bother putting on these events. 

As a senior I worry about who the leaders of tomorrow will be? Step up and get involved, if you TRULY do care for any of these orgs show your support by attending these events...and if there's an event that you would like to see a certain organization host, talk to a member. These events aren't for us, they are for YOU, the community...voice your opinion. LET'S TAKE SOME PRIDE IN OUR COMMUNITY...BECAUSE IF WE DON'T WHO WILL???


  1. I definitely agree. I feel like sometimes we take these opportunities for granted. Honestly, I show up at these events because I feel welcome, and I feel like it has a lot to do with the culture at the U. Some of these Hamline events I feel uncomfortable attending, just because I don't feel like I am a part of the culture here as much as I do at the U. It's sad, but true. If people realized that this is a huge contribution to the U, and the new friends that are made, and the new talents that are exposed, I feel like they would attend more events. I definitely have met a lot of people, and new friends, and it has made my year so much better, having access to these experiences :)
