Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Old Fashion?

My last blog was about relationships...this one still falls under the same category..kind of

This is a question/post to the women of the world!

Since the beginning of time men have always had to take the first step. Bob the Caveman always stood from afar with sweaty palms contemplating how to go about asking Jane the Cavewoman out and of course fearing rejection...what has changed? Nothing {-___-}...lol..We (men) are still expected to take the first step and do the asking.

SO! the question is WHY do women NOT take the first step and ask a guy out? I'm gonna keep it real, we're bad at taking hints; so all the clue dropping can stop and you can stop being agitated cuz we missed it. The best clue you can give is..be straight forward and ASK!

I suppose it is easier to do the rejection than to be rejected...but the whole men gotta ask thing is old fashion..

(Let me pause and say for the most part I'm old fashion...I'll ask, I'll pay, I'll drive....I don't mind and would feel weird if I didn't pay or drive)

Most women these days are claiming the whole "independent woman" thing...that's great but if your definition of "independent" is Webbie...GTFOH...sorry I digress...anywho; so if old fashion is out why not take the first step and ask???

Honestly that's all we ask? lol Just ask or be straight forward...Here's MY take on it...or how it would play out...BUT this is just ME

You be straight forward or ask...If i feel the same way we'll go out..if we go out, I don't mind driving and paying..I would feel weird if I paid..Old fashion in me lol

So moral of the story...WOMEN BE STRAIGHT FORWARD AND ASK :D


  1. I feel like I would be so afraid of rejection! haha y'all have it hard! lol. But I am old fashioned, I do like being asked out, or treated to a nice dinner. At the same time though, if I care about a guy enough I would want to treat him to a nice dinner or something where he doesn't have to worry about anything. Now if we are talking about asking a man out to be my "boyfriend" I would definitely be afraid of rejection. But that's what you men go through all the time so props to y'all!! I don't have a problem asking a guy out, but I would only do it if I knew that he would say yes, just because I would be so nervous if I got rejected!! The old fashion traditions seem to be dying down as well, it's hard to find good old fashion men out here. But when I am in a relationship and I care so much about someone, I would want to take them out and treat them as well.

  2. My philosophy is that if a guy wants you, he'll come get you. I've gone after a guy before and usually I just hear "wow you're not like other girls, you're dominant/aggressive" blah blah.... which is true. It catches them off guard and they don't know what to do with it because it happens so rarely.

    So now I just stick to letting the guy come after me- it's much easier that way. If I like someone they'll generally have a good clue and then it's their turn to do something beyond that point.
